Privacy Policy for Plantsulin

Your privacy is important to us. We want you to enjoy and make the most of the Internet's information, tools, and opportunities with confidence.


Our company collects information in various ways from both Visitors and Subscribers who use our Services and the websites we provide access to.

We created this Privacy Policy to show our commitment to privacy and security. It explains how we collect information from all users of our Internet Services ("Services"), including those who use our Services without accounts ("Visitors") and those who buy Products or pay a monthly fee to subscribe to our Service ("Subscribers"). It also explains what we do with the information we collect and the choices you have regarding your information. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully.

While we take steps to protect your information from unauthorized disclosure, we cannot guarantee that your personal information will never be shared in a way that doesn't follow this Privacy Policy.


When signing up for our Products or Services, Subscribers may need to provide personal information like their name, address, phone number, billing details (such as a credit card number), and computer type. We use this information to manage Subscriber accounts, like billing. We may share this information with third parties in certain situations.

When our company and a partner jointly promote our Services, we might give the partner some personal information, like the name, address, and username of those who subscribed through the joint promotion. This is to offer you other products and services.

The partner can only use this personal information for this specific purpose. We might also create non-identifying and aggregate profiles from the information Subscribers provide during registration (such as the total number of Subscribers, not their names). We may use this aggregated, non-identifying information to sell advertisements on the Services.

When you make a purchase, we may share your contact information with our business partners, who might then contact you by phone after the purchase. The business partner company collects sales proceeds. We may also provide contact information to other companies for mail offers we think would interest our Subscribers, with or without payment from those companies. Sometimes, we send advertisements for a third-party product, collect sales proceeds, and forward the purchaser's information to that third party.

Online Shopping

On some websites, you can buy products and services or sign up for materials like newsletters, catalogs, or updates on new products and services. You may need to provide contact information like your name, address, email, phone number, and credit/debit card details.

If you order something for someone else, like an online gift sent directly to them, you may need to provide their information, such as their name, address, and phone number. Our company doesn't control how third parties use the personal information you give when placing such an order, so be careful.

If you order services or products directly from us, we use the personal information you provide to process your order. We do share this information with outside parties we do business with.

Responses to Email Inquiries

When Visitors or Subscribers email us with questions, we use the return email address to respond to their inquiries.

"Cookies" and How Our Company Uses Them

A "cookie" is a small file that can be placed on your computer when you visit certain websites. Our company may use cookies to collect, store, and sometimes track information for the reasons mentioned here, as well as for statistical purposes to improve our products and services and manage our networks.

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can change your browser settings to show a warning before accepting a cookie or to refuse all cookies. However, if you disable cookies from our website, you might not be able to use certain features. To learn how to delete and control cookies on different browsers, visit